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Deanne Harris
Dec 14, 2022
In Fungi Recipes
I. B. Tauris. pp. 39. ISBN 9780857718532 ^ “زيارة محمد الخامس لطنجة.. أغضبتTemplate:Lro Template:Popdfفرنسا وأشعلتTemplate:Lro Template:Popdfالمقاومة” (アラビア語). Hespress (2013年7月31日). 2019年8月29日閲覧。 ^ Atlasinfo (2016年4月6日). “Evènements du 7 avril 1947 à Casablanca, un tournant décisif dans la lutte pour la liberté et l'indépendance” (フランス語). 【楽天市場】クーポン発行中 フレグランスジェルLEDライト W杯、2連覇狙うフランスが4強 モロッコはアフリカ勢で初:東京新聞 TOKYO Web本文へ移動 English Articles - 検索 設定  新型コロナ 東京 東京ニュース TOKYO発 メトロポリタン+ ぐるり東京 首都圏 神奈川 千葉 埼玉 茨城 栃木 群馬 静岡 社会 原発のない国へ 科学 政治 経済 東京けいざい 国際 スポーツ サッカーW杯カタール大会 みんなのスポーツ ライフ 子育て「東京すくすく」 シニア・介護 健康 ライフスタイル 教育 文化・芸能 文化 芸能 伝統芸能 囲碁将棋 本 社説・コラム 社説 筆洗 私説・論説室から 記者たちの胸ポケット ぎろんの森 イベント 美術 舞踊・芸能 教養・趣味 事業案内 電子版から 主要ニュース 2022年12月11日 06時56分 (共同通信) イングランド―フランス 前半、チュアメニの先制ゴールが決まり、大喜びのフランスイレブン=アルホル(共同) 【アルホル共同】サッカーW杯第19日は10日、北部アルホルなどで準々決勝2試合が行われ、フランスとモロッコが準決勝に進んでベスト4が出そろった。前回優勝のフランスは2大会連続で、モロッコはアフリカ勢初の4強入りを果たした。 フランスは前回4位のイングランドに後半1―1に追い付かれたが、ジルーのゴールで勝ち越して2―1で競り勝った。モロッコはネシリが前半に奪った先制点を守り切り、ポルトガルを1―0で破った。 大会は2日間の休養日を挟み、準決勝は13日(日本時間14日)にアルゼンチン―クロアチア、14日(同15日)にフランス―モロッコが行われる。 関連キーワード logo-en-hatena logo-en-twitter logo-en-facebook logo-en-line おすすめ情報 主要ニュースの新着 記事一覧 景況感、4四半期連続で悪化 大企業製造業、プラス7 日銀が14日発表した12月の企業短期経済観測調査(短観)は、代表的な指標である大企業製造業の最近の景... uca. edu. 2020年3月21日閲覧。 ^ “L'assassinat de Messaâdi” (フランス語). Zamane (2012年11月12日). 2019年11月7日閲覧。 ^ Lentz, Harris M. (2014年2月4日) (英語). Heads of States and Governments Since 1945. Routledge. pp. 558. ISBN 9781134264902 ^ Lawless, Richard I. ; Findlay, Allan (2015年5月15日) (英語). North Africa (RLE Economy of the Middle East): Contemporary Politics and Economic Development. pp. 67. ISBN 9781317592983 ^ a b “6. 2020年3月21日閲覧。 ^ “Déclaration commune” (フランス語). Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development (France) (1956年3月2日). 124. OCLC 855022840 ^ Jr, William A. Hoisington (1 March 2000). “Designing Morocco's future: France and the Native Policy Council, 1921–25”. The Journal of North African Studies 5 (1): 63–108. 1080/13629380008718388. ISSN 1362-9387. ^ Bitton, Simone, (1955–... )., Réalisateur / Metteur en scène / Directeur ([DL 2010]), Ben Barka l'équation marocaine, L'Harmattan vidéo [éd., distrib. ], ISBN 2-296-10925-X, OCLC 690860373 2021年7月6日閲覧。 ^ (英語) The Collectors Club Philatelist. フランス - モロッコ »ライブスコア & 配信+ オッズ - Oddspedia 【W杯】フランス対モロッコは究極の“矛盾対決” エムバペ (1956年4月23日). (unofficial translation) ^ Holmes, James R. (2017年5月29日) (英語). Theodore Roosevelt and World Order: Police Power in International Relations. Potomac Books, Inc.. pp. 199. ISBN 9781574888836 ^ texte, France coloniale moderne Auteur du (1922年3月2日). “Les Annales coloniales: organe de la "France coloniale moderne" / directeur: Marcel Ruedel” (フランス語). 2019年6月25日閲覧。 ^ a b c Miller, Susan Gilson. pp. フランス発モロッコ行き格安航空券 - スカイスキャナー 2020年3月閲覧。 ^ “French-Moroccan Declaration”. Department of State Bulletin (Department of State) XXXIV (873): 466 – 467. (1956年3月19日). (unofficial translation) ^ “Final Declaration of the International Conference in Tangier and annexed Protocol. Signed at Tangier, on 29 October 1956 [1957 UNTSer 130; 263 UNTS 165]” (1956年). 2020年3月閲覧。 ^ “Spanish-Moroccan Declaration”. Department of State Bulletin (Department of State) XXXIV (878): 667 – 668. 12月14日 FTX創業者らに権限集中 仮想通貨トップ、公聴会で発言 【ニューヨーク共同】経営破綻した暗号資産(仮想通貨)の大手交換所FTXトレーディングのジョン・レイ最... 核融合で投入以上のエネルギー 米研究所、発電実現には時間も 【ワシントン共同】米ローレンス・リバモア国立研究所は13日、核融合の実験で燃料の容器に投入した分を上... 日本海側、広範囲で猛吹雪 15日にかけ交通障害を警戒 北日本から西日本の日本海側を中心に15日にかけて雪を伴って風が非常に強く吹き、海は大しけとなる恐れが... アルゼンチンが決勝へ メッシは1得点1アシスト サッカー・ワールドカップ(W杯)第20日(13日・ルサイル)準決勝の1試合が行われ、3度目の優勝を目... 過去の戦費調達と無謀な戦争の結末は…防衛増税しても大丈夫なのか 政府与党の「詐欺のテクニック」 敵基地攻撃能力(反撃能力)保有とともに、政府が目指す防衛費の大幅拡大。増税か国債かという議論も起きて... 31 [1] ^ a b c “Exhibition of Moroccan Art”. www. wdl. org (1917年). 2020年1月3日閲覧。 ^ a b c d الأشرف, الرباط ــ حسن. “الجنود المغاربة في الحرب العالمية الأولى: أبطال بلا مجد” (アラビア語). alaraby. 2020年1月3日閲覧。 ^ “Guerre de 1914–18: les soldats marocains "dans toutes les grandes batailles"” (フランス語). LExpress. fr (2018年11月1日). 2020年1月3日閲覧。 ^ "A History of Modern Morocco" p. 90-91 Susan Gilson Miller, Cambridge University Press 2013 ^ a b c Miller, Susan Gilson (8 April 2013) (英語). フランス | モロッコ観光・オプショナルツアー予約専門 VELTRA A History of Modern Morocco. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521810708 ^ モハメッド・ベン・アーラファ(英語版)という本名の"ムハンマド6世"は、先代が追放された後にフランスによって設置されたが、スペイン保護領モロッコでは認められなかった。 ^ “National Holidays & Religious Holidays”. Maroc. ma (2013年10月4日). 2020年7月閲覧。 フランス保護領モロッコ(フランスほごりょうモロッコフランス語: Protectorat français au Maroc;アラビア語: الحماية الفرنسية في المغرب‎)またはフランス領モロッコは、アラウィー朝の統治を残したままモロッコの大部分にフランスの保護国という形で設立されたフランスによる軍事支配地域である[1]。保護国は、スルタンアブデルハフィードがフェス条約に署名した1912年3月30日に正式に設立されたが、フランスによるモロッコの軍事支配は、ウジダ侵攻と1907年のカサブランカ砲撃(英語版)によって、既に始まっていた[1]。 フランスの保護領としては、フランス・モロッコ共同宣言によって1956年3月2日にフェス条約が破棄されるまで続いた[2]。モロッコの独立は、フランスの存在がなくなったことを意味するのではない。フランス軍をモロッコに駐留させる権利、モロッコの外交方針に口出しする権利などを含む、フランスの大きな影響力がモロッコに残った[3]。 序章[編集] その権威の弱さにもかかわらず、アラウィー朝は18世紀と19世紀にモロッコの独立を維持することで頭角を表していたが、アフリカの他の地域はフランスまたはイギリスの支配に屈した。しかし19世紀後半には、モロッコの脆弱さと不安定さは、脅威にさらされた投資を保護し、経済的譲歩を要求するためにヨーロッパ諸国の介入を招いた。この介入は、1880年のマドリード条約(英語版)の署名で最高潮に達した。20世紀の最初の数年間は、ヨーロッパの大国、特にフランスの北アフリカへの関心をさらに高める外交的工作が急増した[4]。 フランスのモロッコでの活動は、19世紀の終わりに始まった。1904年、フランス政府はモロッコに保護領を設立しようとしており、イギリス(1904年4月8日、英仏協商を参照)とスペイン(1904年10月7日)との間で、この取り組みにおいて両国からの支持を保証する、2つの二国間秘密協定に署名した。その同じ年、フランスはタンジェでのモロッコ債務管理局(英語版)の創設を後援した。フランスとスペインは密かにスルタンの領土を分割し、スペインは国のはるか北と南で譲歩を受けた[5]。 第一次モロッコ事件(1905年3月–1906年5月)[編集] 第一次モロッコ事件は、帝国の対立から起こった。この事件は、ドイツと、イギリスの支援を受けたフランスの間での対立であった。ドイツは、1905年3月31日にモロッコでヴィルヘルム2世がタンジェを自ら訪問するなど、新たな協定の発効を阻止するために即座に外交措置を講じた。皇帝ヴィルヘルム2世は、フランスやイギリスと戦争した際にモロッコの支持を得ることを試み、モロッコ独立の支持を表明する演説を行った。これは、モロッコにおけるフランスの支配に対する挑発的な挑戦となった[6]。 1906年、紛争の解決のためにアルヘシラス会議が開かれ、ドイツはフランスがモロッコの警察の支配権をドイツに譲るが、政治(英語版)と金融(英語版)に対する支配権はフランスが維持するという合意を受け入れた。アルヘシラス会議によって第一次モロッコ事件は一時的に解決したが、三国同盟と三国協商の間の国際的な緊張は悪化しただけであった[7]。 フランスの侵攻[編集] フランスによるモロッコ征服は、1907年3月19日のマラケシュでのエミール・モーシャン(英語版)の暗殺の余波の中で始まった。フランスの新聞では、彼の死は「モロッコの野蛮な先住民からの挑発的で弁護の余地のない攻撃」と強調された[8]。ユベール・リヨテは、彼の死をウジダに東から侵入する口実として捉えた[8]。 はがきに印刷された、1907年8月のカサブランカ砲撃中のフランス巡洋艦グロワール 1907年の夏、シャウイア(英語版)の部族は、1906年にカサブランカで開催されたアルヘシラス会議に対して反乱を起こし、港とロシュ・ノワール(英語版)の採石場の間を結ぶ鉄道で働いていた9人のヨーロッパ人労働者を殺害した[9]。フランス軍は8月5日から7日までカサブランカに砲撃することで対応し、カサブランカとシャウイア平原を占領して「鎮圧」し、西からフランス軍の侵攻が始まることを示した[10][11]。 ハフィーディアのクーデター[編集] アブデラジーズはフランスによるウジュダとシャウイア(英語版)への侵攻と占領に関して、行動を起こさなかった。そのため、ムハンマド・アルカタニ(英語版)とフェズの人々の間で、モロッコ防衛のためのジハード(イスラム教間での聖戦)の関心が高まった。モロッコ南部の貴族がスルタンの弟であるアブデルハフィード(英語版)への支持を表明し、フェズの人々も過去の事例を無視して条件付きバイア(英語版)(バイアはイスラム教での誓い)として支持を表明した[12]。フランスはアブデラジーズを支持し、政府系新聞のEs-saada(英語版) (السعادة)でアブデラジーズを支援した[13]。 第二次モロッコ事件[編集] 1911年、モロッコでスルタンアブデルハフィードに対する反乱が起こった。1911年4月頭まで、スルタンはフェズの宮殿で包囲され、フランスはヨーロッパ人の命と財産を保護するという名目で、反乱の鎮圧を助けるために軍隊を派遣する準備をした。フランスは1911年4月末に飛行コラムを派遣し、ドイツはフランスが都市を占領することを承認した。モロッコ軍はフランス占領下の都市を包囲した。およそ1ヶ月後、フランス軍は包囲を終わらせた。1911年6月5日、スペインはアライシュとクサール・アルケビール(英語版)を占領した。1911年7月1日、ドイツの砲艦パンサーがアガディールの港に到着した。これに対し、イギリスに支持されたフランスは即座に反応した[14]。 フランス保護領(1912年-1956年)[編集] この節の加筆が望まれています。 1912年3月30日に結ばれ、正式に保護国を設立したフェス条約 1918年3月1日に発行された、フランス領モロッコの債券 フランスはフェス条約でモロッコに保護領を正式に設立し[15]、国に事実上残っていた独立を終わらせた。法的な観点では、厳密にはこの条約はモロッコの主権国家としての地位を奪うことはなかった。スルタンが君臨したが統治しなかった。スルタンのアブデルハフィドは、条約に署名した後に弟のユセフを支持して退位した。1912年4月17日、モロッコの歩兵は1912年のフェズ暴動を起こし、フェズのフランス駐屯地で反乱を起こした[16]。モロッコは都市を占領することができず、フランスの救援部隊に敗北した。1912年5月下旬、モロッコ軍は再びフェズの強化されたフランス駐屯地を攻撃することに失敗した。 フランスは、モロッコの大部分を保護領にする際、アルジェリアとチュニジアでの経験を背景に、後者をモロッコ政策の手本としたのである。しかし、重要な違いがあった。第一に、保護領の成立は第一次世界大戦のわずか2年前であり、この大戦は植民地支配に対する新たな姿勢をもたらした。モロッコの保守的なフランス人支配者は、文化や教育に対する典型的なフランスの同化主義を自由主義の幻想として否定し、都市計画や植民地教育によって文化の混交を防ぎ、フランス人が協力のために頼っていた伝統社会を堅持しようとした[17]。第二に、モロッコには1000年の独立の伝統があり、アンダルスの影響を強く受けながらも、オスマン帝国の支配を受けたことがない。 また、モロッコは北アフリカ諸国の中でも大西洋に面しており、アルヘシラス会議から派生した各国の権利、タンジェでの外交団(フランス公使館を含む)の特権を獲得していた点で特異な存在であった。こうして、大西洋と地中海の両岸を持つ国土の北部10%がフランス支配地域から除外され、スペインの保護領として扱われることになった。 モロッコは保護国ではあったが、国際司法裁判所の声明によれば、国際法上の国家としての人格は法律上(de jure)保持されており、植民地以前と現代の間に不連続性はなく、主権国家として存続している[18]。しかし、実際はフランスがもっと大きな権力を握っていた。 保護領の下では、フランス人公務員はフランス植民地主義者やフランス国内の支持者と手を組み、モロッコ独立の動きを阻止した。平和化が進むと、フランス政府は経済開発、特にモロッコの鉱物資源の開発、近代的な交通網の整備、フランス市場向けの近代的な農業の発展を推進した。モロッコには数万人の入植者が入り、豊かな農地を大量に買い占めた。これらの人々の間に形成された利益団体は、フランスに対してモロッコに対する支配力を強めるよう絶えず圧力をかけ続けた。 第一次世界大戦[編集] フランスは、アフリカや世界中の他の植民地と同様に、モロッコから歩兵を募り、植民地軍(英語版)に参加させた。第一次世界大戦を通じて、37, 300〜45, 000人のモロッコ人が「モロッコ旅団(英語版)」を結成し、フランスのために戦った[20][19] 。モロッコ植民地軍は、1914年9月のマルヌの戦いで初めてフランスに従軍し[19]、第三次アルトワ会戦(英語版)、第二次シャンパーニュ会戦(英語版)、ヴェルダンの戦いなど、戦争の主要な戦闘にすべて参加した[21][20]。歴史家は、このモロッコ人兵士たちを「栄光なき英雄」と呼んでいる。彼らは、戦争での勇気と犠牲によって値する対価を与えられていないし、与えられていないからだ[20] 。ブラヒム・エル・カディリ・ブーチッチは、第一次世界大戦でフランスの軍に参加したモロッコ人兵士を「モロッコとフランスの関係(英語版)の中で最も重要な瞬間の一つ」と位置づけた[20]。 リヨテと保護領(1912年-1925年)[編集] ユベール・リヨテ(最初のフランス保護領モロッコの統監)。彼はスルタンの権威を維持しながら、フランスの植民地の利権を代表した。 保護領の初代総督であるユベール・リヨテ(英語版)は、王党派に傾倒した理想的でありながら現実的な指導者であり、フランスの影響下であらゆる分野でモロッコを発展させることを使命としていた。彼の同胞とは異なり、リヨテはフランスがフランス領アルジェリアのようにモロッコを直接併合すべきではなく、むしろモロッコ社会を改造して再教育する必要があると考えていた。彼はこの経過で次のことを約束した:... 【準決勝】フランス対モロッコの歴代対戦成績まとめ。2007 【カタールW杯準決勝】フランスvsモロッコの試合日程・放送
Deanne Harris
Dec 14, 2022
In Fungi Recipes
Thailand - Chinese Taipei Live - International friendlies: Football Scores & Highlights - 14/12/2022Follow the International friendlies live Football match between Thailand and Chinese Taipei with Eurosport. The match starts at 1:30 PM on December 14th, 2022. Catch the latest Thailand and Chinese Taipei news and find up to date International friendlies standings, results, top scorers and previous winners. Football fans can read breaking Football news headlines, interviews, expert commentary and watch replays. Twin towns and sister cities[edit] Taipei is twinned with:[129][130] United States[edit] Houston, TX, United States (1961) San Francisco, CA, United States (1970) Guam, United States (1973) Cleveland, OH, United States (1975)[131] Indianapolis, IN, United States (1978) Marshall, TX, United States (1978) Atlanta, GA, United States (1979) Los Angeles, CA, United States (1979) Phoenix, AZ, United States (1979)[132] Oklahoma City, OK, United States (1981) Boston, MA, United States (1996) Dallas, TX, United States (1996)[133] Outside United States[edit] Lomé, Togo (1966) Manila, Philippines (1966) Cotonou, Benin (1967) Quezon City, Philippines (1968)[134] Seoul, South Korea (1968)[135][136] Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (1970) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (1978) Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia (1982) Johannesburg, South Africa (1982) Pretoria, South Africa (1983) Lilongwe, Malawi (1984) San José, Costa Rica (1984) Versailles, France (1986) Asunción, Paraguay (1987) Panama City, Panama (1989) Managua, Nicaragua (1992) San Salvador, El Salvador (1993) Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland (1995)[137] Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, Russia (1996) Dakar, Senegal (1997) Banjul, Gambia (1997) Bissau, Guinea-Bissau (1997) Mbabane, Eswatini (1997) Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (1997) San Nicolás, Nuevo León, Mexico (1997) La Paz, Bolivia (1997) Guatemala City, Guatemala (1998) Monrovia, Liberia (1998) Vilnius, Lithuania (1998) Majuro, Marshall Islands (1999) Riga, Latvia (2001)[138] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2008) Daegu, South Korea (2010) Quito, Ecuador (2015/2016) Castries, St. Football, Asia: Thailand live scores, results, fixtures The museum is housed in a building designed for the purpose that takes inspiration from Japanese designs. Most art in the collection is by Taiwanese artists since 1940. Over 3, 000 art works are organized into 13 groups. The National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall near Taipei 101 in Xinyi District is named in honor of a founding father of the Republic of China, Sun Yat-sen. The landmarks of Liberty Square stand within sight of Taiwan's Presidential Office Building in Taipei's Zhongzheng District. The National Taiwan Museum sits nearby in what is now 228 Peace Memorial Park and has worn its present name since 1999. The museum is Taiwan's oldest, founded on 24 October 1908 by Taiwan's Japanese colonial government (1895-1945) as the Taiwan Governor's Museum. It was launched with a collection of 10, 000 items to celebrate the opening of the island's North-South Railway. [77] In 1915 a new museum building opened its doors in what is now 228 Peace Memorial Park. This structure and the adjacent governor's office (now Presidential Office Building), served as the two most recognizable public buildings in Taiwan during its period of Japanese rule. 4 km driverless rail system. The Circular line offered free rides beginning in February 2020 for passengers to test the route. [114][115] Taipei Railway Station front Rail[edit] Beginning in 1983, surface rail lines in the city were moved underground as part of the Taipei Railway Underground Project. [116] The Taiwan High Speed Rail system opened in 2007. The bullet trains connect Taipei with the west coast cities of New Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, and Tainan before terminating at Zuoying (Kaohsiung) at speeds that cut travel times by 60% or more from what they normally are on a bus or conventional train. [91][92] The Shandao Temple (善導寺) built in 1929 and located in Zhongzheng District, is the largest Buddhist temple in Taipei. Fo Guang Shan has a modern temple known as Fo Guang Shan Taipei Vihara (佛光山臺北道場) in Xinyi District, while Dharma Drum Mountain owns the Degui Academy (德貴學苑), an education center in Zhongzheng District and the Nung Chan Monastery (農禪寺) in Beitou District. Linji Huguo Chan Temple (臨濟護國禪寺) in Zhongshan District was commenced in 1900 and completed in 1911, it is one of the very few Japanese style Buddhist Temples that was well-preserved in Taiwan. Besides large temples, small outdoor shrines to local deities are very common and are commonly found next to roads as well as in parks and neighborhoods. The main campus, in Taipei's Daan district near MRT Guting Station, is known for its historic architecture. The Shida market area surrounding this campus takes its name from the school's acronym. Sports[edit] Due to Taiwan being under American and Japanese influence over the years, the sports of baseball in particular and basketball have become popular in the city. Taipei, like the rest of the country, has featured most prominently in baseball and has often been the venue for the Asian Baseball Championship since the 1960s. [124] Originally built in 1956, it was demolished and reconstructed in 2009. [125] The Taipei Dome, which has the capacity to house 40, 071 seats, is estimated to finish construction by the end of 2021. [126] Youth baseball[edit] In 2010, a Taipei baseball team—Chung-Ching Junior Little League—won the Junior League World Series. The achievement came after winning the Asia-Pacific Region, then defeating the Mexico Region and Latin America Region champions to become the International champion, and finally defeating the U. champion (Southwest Region), Rose Capital East LL (Tyler, Texas), 9–1. [127] Taiwan's Little League World Series international team has won 17 championships, the most wins in the league. LIVE STREAM: Thailand v Chinese Taipei - Women's Olympic Chinese Taipei Women vs Thailand Women - Scorebar Taiwan (Women) vs Thailand (Women) H2H - Livescore [128] Media[edit] As the capital, Taipei City is the headquarters for many television and radio stations in Taiwan and the center of some of the country's largest newspapers. Television[edit] Television stations located in Taipei include the CTS Education and Culture, CTS Recreation, CTV MyLife, CTV News Channel, China Television, Chinese Television System, Chung T'ien Television, Dimo TV, Eastern Television, Era Television, FTV News, Follow Me TV, Formosa TV, Gala Television, Public Television Service, SET Metro, SET News, SET Taiwan, Sanlih E-Television, Shuang Xing, TTV Family, TTV Finance, TTV World, TVBS, TVBS-G, TVBS-NEWS, Taiwan Broadcasting System, Videoland Television Network and Taiwan Television. Newspapers[edit] Newspapers include Apple Daily, Central Daily News, The China Post, China Times, DigiTimes, Kinmen Daily News, Liberty Times, Mandarin Daily News, Matsu Daily, Min Sheng Bao, Sharp Daily, Taipei Times, Taiwan Daily, Taiwan News, Taiwan Times and United Daily News. International relations[edit] Taipei is a member of the Asian Network of Major Cities 21. The Taipei Arena is located at the site of the former Taipei Municipal Baseball Stadium (demolished in 2000), with a capacity of over 15, 000. It was opened on 1 December 2005 and has since held more art and cultural activities (such as live concerts) than sporting events, which it was originally designed for. [123] The Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey League (CIHL) plays out of the auxiliary arena. Tianmu Baseball Stadium is the major baseball venue in Taipei. Taipei Municipal Stadium is a multipurpose stadium that hosts football and track and field events, as well as concerts, both live and prerecorded. Latisha Chan, the successful doubles tennis player, is from Taipei too. Major sporting events[edit] Below is a selected list of recent sporting events hosted by the city: 2004 FIFA Futsal World Championship 2006 Women's Baseball World Cup 2007 Baseball World Cup 2009 Asian Judo Championships 2009 Summer Deaflympics 2013 Badminton Asia Championships 2015 WBSC Premier12 2016 IIHF Women's Challenge Cup of Asia Division I 2017 Summer Universiade 2019 Asian Men's Club Volleyball Championship 2022 U-23 Baseball World Cup (co-hosted with Taichung and Yunlin) 2025 Summer World Masters Games (co-host with New Taipei City) Taipei Marathon (annual): The marathon is one of the two World Athletics Label Road Races in Taiwan, being categorized as a Bronze Label Road Race. [120][121][122] The other race is the New Taipei City Wan Jin Shi Marathon, categorized as a Silver Label Road Race. The university boasts especially strong programs in the humanities and international education. Worldwide it is perhaps best known as home of the Mandarin Training Center, a program that offers Mandarin language training each year to over a thousand students from scores of countries throughout the world. Taipei - WikipediaTaipei City 臺北市[I]Tai-pak, TaipehCapital city and special municipalityClockwise from top: Taipei 101 in the center of Taipei skyline, Presidential Office, Qixing Mountain, National Palace Museum, Bangka Lungshan Temple, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Ximending FlagLogoEtymology: Wade–Giles: Tʻai²-pei³; lit. 'Taiwan north'Nickname: The City of AzaleasTaipei CityTaipei CityTaipei CityCoordinates: 25°04′N 121°31′E / 25. 067°N 121. 517°ECoordinates: 25°04′N 121°31′E / 25. Thailand VS Chinese Taipei - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Chinese Taipei National Football Team - Live Soccer TV pèɪ ʂɻ̩̂]WuSuzhouneseDé-pohHakkaPha̍k-fa-sṳThòi-pet-sṳYue: CantoneseYale RomanizationTòihbāk SíhJyutpingToi4bak1 Si5IPA[tʰɔ̏ːi. pɐ́k̚ si̬ː]Southern MinHokkien POJTâi-pak-chhīTâi-lôTâi-pak-tshīEastern MinFuzhou BUCDài-báe̤k chê Taipei (), [4] officially Taipei City, [I] is the capital[a] and a special municipality of the Republic of China (Taiwan). [7][8] Located in Northern Taiwan, Taipei City is an enclave of the municipality of New Taipei City that sits about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of the northern port city of Keelung. Live Thailand vs Taiwan, 20:30 on 12/14
Deanne Harris
Dec 13, 2022
In Fungi Recipes
Retrieved July 6, 2020. ^ "PH defends purchase of arms from China, Russia". The Manila Times. Archived from the original on August 5, 2019. Retrieved July 6, 2020. ^ United States of America Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 113th Congress Second Session Volume 160 – Part 4. p. 4711. Retrieved July 26, 2020. ^ Sanders, Vivienne (2015). Access to History: The Cold War in Asia 1945–93 for OCR Second Edition. Hodder Education. ISBN 978-1-4718-3880-4. Retrieved July 26, 2020. ^ Garamone, Jim (May 19, 2003). Vietnam - Philippines 14.12.2022 - today livescore Retrieved July 10, 2009. ^ Balana, Cynthia (May 26, 2009). "RP nears observer status in OIC – DFA". The Philippine Daily Inquirer. Archived from the original on April 4, 2015. Retrieved July 10, 2009. ^ "Background Note: Philippines". Department of State. Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. October 2009. [20] The United States began the process of changing the reference to the country from The Philippine Islands to The Philippines, specifically when it was mentioned in the Philippine Autonomy Act or the Jones Law. [21] The full official title, Republic of the Philippines, was included in the 1935 constitution as the name of the future independent state, [22] it is also mentioned in all succeeding constitutional revisions. [23][24] History Prehistory (pre–900) There is evidence of early hominins living in what is now the Philippines as early as 709, 000 years ago. "Philippines to Become Major non-NATO Ally, Bush Says". American Forces Press Service. Archived from the original on August 9, 2020. Retrieved August 7, 2020. ^ "Philippine President Duterte announces separation from U. " USA TODAY. October 20, 2016. Retrieved July 6, 2020. ^ "Philippines free to enter into arms purchase with Russia, Roque says". Philippines - Wikipedia [552] Other elements of the Filipino value system are optimism about the future, pessimism about present situations and events, concern and care for other people, the existence of friendship and friendliness, the habit of being hospitable, religious nature, respectfulness to self and others, respect for the female members of society, the fear of God, and abhorrence of acts of cheating and thievery. [553][554] Architecture Colonial houses in Vigan. Spanish architecture has left an imprint in the Philippines in the way many towns were designed around a central square or plaza mayor, but many of the buildings bearing its influence were demolished during World War II. [47] Four Philippine baroque churches are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the San Agustín Church in Manila, Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte, Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Santa María) Church in Ilocos Sur, and Santo Tomás de Villanueva Church in Iloilo. Vietnam U23 - Philippines U23 live score and H2H - Scorebar Limestone was used as a building material, with houses being built to withstand typhoons. [559] Music and dance Cariñosa, a Hispanic era dance for traditional Filipino courtship. In general, there are two types of Philippine folk dance, stemming from traditional tribal influences and from Spanish influence. Spanish-influenced music are mostly bandurria-based bands that us 14th string guitars. One example of such type is the Cariñosa. 77. Retrieved February 28, 2008. ^ Kingsbury, Damien (September 13, 2016). Politics in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Authority, Democracy and Political Change. p. 132. ISBN 978-1-317-49628-1. Retrieved August 27, 2020. ^ Timberman, David G. pp. xii, xiii. Retrieved August 27, 2020. ^ Tan, Andrew T. (January 2009). A Handbook of Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia. Edward Elgar Publishing. p. 405. ISBN 978-1-84720-718-0. Retrieved September 2, 2020. ^ "The Communist Insurgency in the Philippines: Tactics and Talks" (PDF). Refworld. Asia Report N°202. Such performances became popular throughout the country[562]: 69–70 and were written in a number of local languages. [574] American influence led to the introduction of vaudeville and ballet. [562]: 69–70 During the 20th century the realism genre became more dominant, with performances written to focus on contemporary political and societal issues. [574] Literature Philippine literature comprises works usually written in Filipino, Spanish, or English. Some of the most known were created from the 17th to 19th century. [575] Ibong Adarna, for example, is a famous epic about an eponymous magical bird allegedly written by José de la Cruz or "Huseng Sisiw". [576] Francisco Balagtas, the poet and playwright who wrote Florante at Laura, is recognized as a preeminent writer in the Tagalog language. Vietnam vs Philippines: International Friendlies Live Stream Would you rather live in Vietnam or in the Philippines? - Quora Football, Asia: Vietnam live scores, results, fixtures [582][583][584] Moving pictures were first shown in the Philippines on January 1, 1897. [585][586] Films were all in Spanish since Philippine cinema was first introduced during the final years of the Spanish era of the country. Antonio Ramos was the first known movie producer. [587][588] Jose Nepomuceno was dubbed as the "Father of Philippine Movies". [589] His work marked the start of the local production of movies. Production companies remained small during the era of silent film, but 1933 saw the emergence of sound films and the arrival of the first significant production company. The postwar 1940s and the 1950s are regarded as a high point for Philippine cinema. [108] The growing dominance of Hollywood films and the cost of production has severely reduced local filmmaking. 29% of self-identified Catholics consider themselves very religious. [405] An independent Catholic church, the Philippine Independent Church, has around 756, 225 adherents. [404] Protestants were 9. 13% of the population in 2015. [406] 2. 64% of the population are members of Iglesia ni Cristo. [404] The combined following of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches comes to 2. 42% of the total population. [404][407] Islam is the second largest religion. The Muslim population of the Philippines was reported as 6. Vietnam visa for Philippines citizens Vietnam National Football Team - Live Soccer TV Arc of Empire: America's Wars in Asia from the Philippines to HGC SUPPORTS VIETNAM TELEVISION'S HIGH-QUALITY
Deanne Harris
Dec 13, 2022
In Fungi Recipes
Golden Knights vs Jets Picks, Predictions, and Odds Tonight Whitecloud has one goal, five assists, 26 shots on net, 56 blocks and 50 hits in 30 games this season. Vegas has brought up blueliners Brayden Pachal and Kaedan Korczak from the AHL.... See Less Golden Knights' Brayden Pachal: Brought up by Vegas Pachal was recalled from AHL Henderson on Monday. Pachal will join the Golden Knights on the road and could get a chance to play. Zach Whitecloud (lower body) was hurt Sunday and moved to injured reserve Monday. Vegas is also missing defenders Shea Theodore (leg) and Alex Pietrangelo (personal), so Kaedan Korczak was recalled Monday as well.... Winnipeg Jets vs. Vegas Golden Knights | Watch ESPN Vegas Golden Knights Schedule - Vegas Golden Knights vs. Winnipeg Jets Live Game Updates Vegas Golden Knights News, Scores, Status, Schedule - NHLTop Golden Knights News Golden Knights' Shea Theodore: Designated week-to-week Rotowire Dec 13, 2022 Theodore (leg) was labeled week-to-week by coach Bruce Cassidy on Tuesday. Based on this update timeline, Theodore will likely miss the next three games, at a minimum, which could see him designated for injured reserve if the team needs the roster spot. In his last 11 contests, the blueliner has tallied one goal and nine helpers, including four power-play points. Ben Hutton stepped into Theodore's power-play role against Boston on Sunday and should continue to do so moving forward.... See More... Vegas Golden Knights News, Scores, Status, Schedule - NHL See Less Golden Knights' Adin Hill: Set to face Winnipeg again Hill was the first goalie off the ice at the morning skate, Ken Wiebe of Sportsnet reports, indicating he will start Tuesday's road game versus Winnipeg. Hill has won his past outings, having stopped 51 of 53 shots. He has a 7-2-1 record this season with a 2. 38 GAA and a. 914 save percentage. Hill has a mark of 2-0-0 versus the Jets this year, with only three goals against on 52 shots.... See Less Golden Knights' Zach Whitecloud: Moves to LTIR Dec 12, 2022 Whitecloud (lower body) was placed on long-term injured reserve Monday, per CapFriendly. He's at 23 points (six on the power play), 50 shots on net and a plus-9 rating through 30 contests this season.... See Less Golden Knights' Mark Stone: Opens scoring on power play Stone scored a power-play goal on three shots and blocked two shots in Sunday's 3-1 loss to the Bruins. Stone got the game off to a good start for Vegas, but that goal was the only time Linus Ullmark was bested. Prior to Sunday, Stone had been in a rut with just three assists in his previous eight games. The winger is up to 10 tallies, 22 points, 76 shots and a plus-10 rating through 30 contests. Whitecloud will be unavailable for at least 10 games and 24 days following the move to LTIR. He was injured in Sunday's game against Boston, so he won't be available until Jan. 5 versus Pittsburgh at the earliest.... See Less Golden Knights' Kaedan Korczak: Up with Golden Knights Korczak was brought up from AHL Henderson on Monday. Korczak will join Vegas on the road after Zach Whitecloud (lower body) was injured Sunday. The defense corps is also missing Shea Theodore (leg) and Alex Pietrangelo (personal), so the Golden Knights recalled blueliner Brayden Pachal as well.... See Less Golden Knights' Zach Whitecloud: Lands on IR Whitecloud (lower body) was placed on injured reserve Monday, per the NHL media site. Whitecloud was hurt late in the second period of Sunday's game following a collision with Boston's Taylor Hall. He will be unavailable for at least the next three contests. Stephenson has partially bounced back from a cold end to November, logging four assists (three on the power play) in six games to begin December. The 28-year-old continues to fill in for Jack Eichel (lower body) as the first-line center, though the absence of his linemate has taken a toll on Stephenson's offense. Vegas Golden Knights vs. Winnipeg Jets Prediction - Statsalt Vegas Golden Knights vs Winnipeg Jets | NYC & ATL - Reveler See Less Golden Knights' Ben Hutton: Nabs power-play helper Hutton picked up a power-play assist, four shots on goal, three blocked shots and two PIM in Sunday's 3-1 loss to the Bruins. Sunday marked Hutton's fourth appearance of the season, as he filled in for Shea Theodore (leg). With Zach Whitecloud (undisclosed) exiting Sunday's contest, it appears more playing time could be on the horizon for Hutton as the Golden Knights try to hold their defense together. Through four outings, Hutton has a minus-1 rating, seven shots on net, six blocked shots and two PIM to go with his one helper.... See Less Golden Knights' Chandler Stephenson: Dishes power-play assist Stephenson recorded a power-play assist in Sunday's 3-1 loss to the Bruins. Fantasy managers will hope his goal Sunday sparks his offense going forward.... See Less Golden Knights' Logan Thompson: Yields three goals in loss Thompson allowed three goals on 27 shots in Sunday's 3-1 loss to the Bruins. It was a closely contested game through two periods, but the Bruins were able to pull away with two tallies in the third. Thompson has now lost four of his last six outings, as the shine from his hot start to season begins to fade. He's given up at least three goals in five of those six games, dropping to 13-7-0 with a 2. See Less Golden Knights' Jonas Rondbjerg: Called up Rondbjerg was called up from AHL Henderson on Monday. Vegas moved Jack Eichel (lower body) to injured reserve Monday. Rodbjerg will be an option to play during the team's upcoming road trip. He has appeared in one game with the Golden Knights this year. The 23-year-old forward has eight goals and 15 points in 23 AHL contests this campaign.... See Less Golden Knights' Jack Eichel: Shifts to IR Eichel (lower body) was placed on injured reserve Monday, Ben Gotz of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. Eichel, who sat out Sunday's game against Boston, will miss at least a couple more contests this week. He returned to action from a two-game absence last Friday but his lower-body injury is still giving him some problems. Eichel has racked up 13 goals and 29 points in 27 games this season.... 70 GAA and a. 917 save percentage in 20 starts overall. Adin Hill has won his last two starts, and if Thompson's struggles continue, the Vegas crease could begin to look more like a timeshare rather than the roughly 70 percent start rate Thompson has logged since the start of November.... See Less Golden Knights' Zach Whitecloud: Exits Sunday's game Whitecloud (undisclosed) left Sunday's game against Boston, Ben Gotz of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. Whitecloud was on the ice for just 8:45 before he needed to be helped off the ice. The 26-year-old appeared to be favoring his right leg but head coach Bruce Cassidy did not have an update after the contest.... Winnipeg Jets vs Vegas Golden Knights Head to Head - AiScore See Less Golden Knights' Jack Eichel: Deemed day-to-day Eichel (lower body) is considered day-to-day. Eichel remains on injured reserve, but the good news is his lower-body injury doesn't seem to be overly serious. Nonetheless, due to his placement on IR, the 26-year-old pivot won't be eligible to return to action until Saturday against the Islanders at the earliest, so he'll miss Vegas' next two games at a minimum.... Vegas Golden Knights - Winnipeg Jets: Live Stream & TV
Deanne Harris
Dec 13, 2022
In Fungi Recipes
And incredible pictures showed one side of the goal bent back on itself. Groundstaff rushed frantically to get the post back into shape. But they were eventually forced to call upon a tractor to save the day. A rope was attached to one end of the machine, with the other wrapped around the goal post. And after a brief struggle, the tractor managed to get the goal mouth back in perfect shape. 4The game was delayed for 10 minutes as the machine worked its magicCredit: Getty 4The game was allowed to continue after a thorough inspection, with Salford winning 1-0Credit: PA FREE BETS: GET OVER £2, 000 IN NEW CUSTOMER DEALS Fans cheered as the match got back underway, with some lengthy stoppage time to make up for the break in play. Salford City vs Port Vale Live Stream & Prediction, H2HSporticos - Football Today Dig into the most popular football leagues like La Liga, Seria A, Bundesliga, Ligue 1. On our website you can find football on tv schedule and a full list of football today live streams. Track game statistics, information about players and teams or betting odds for interesting upcoming football batches. Stay up to date with fresh info about liverpool position in the league or who won the la league 2020. However, having won only one of their last four away games, Tuesday's game could be a difficult one for the visitors. Salford City vs Port Vale Betting Tips: Under 2. 5 goals Given the results of the recent head-to-head meetings between these two teams, it is likely that Tuesday's match will be close. Each of the last five encounters ended with less than 2. 5 goals and that this has been the case in seven of the hosts' last ten matches. Best Tip: Under 2. 5 goals Salford City vs Port Vale prediction: 0-0 Salford City vs Port Vale Head to Head (H2H) stats 05 apr 22 Salford City 0: 1 League Two 18 jan 22 02 mar 21 1: 0 17 oct 20 01 feb 20 1: 1 Salford City Team News Salford City have not reported any new injuries ahead of this game, so it would be no surprise if head coach Neil Wood fields the same side that beat Gillingham a week ago. Worrall J. Wilson 26 D. J. Butterworth G. Massey Salford City vs Port Vale - Key facts At least one side failed to score in eleven of the last 13 games of Salford City. Salford City won just one of their last ten home games. At least one side failed to score in four of the last five games of Port Vale. At least one side failed to score in five of the last six meetings between these two sides. Main prediction Salford City - Port Vale Under 2. 5 goals 55% winrate 3 wins in a row I'm a web site editor and game expert. Salford City vs Port Vale Live Stream & Results today 13/12/2022 19:30 FootballSalford City vs Port Vale live streaming13 December 2022 the long-awaited match of Salford City vs Port Vale will take place. The live broadcast of the match is scheduled for 19:30. It is most convenient to watch the clarification of the relations of the presented teams on the air, and, of course, we have tried to do everything to provide you with such an opportunity. 4Port Vale's match with Salford saw a tractor enter the pitch to fix a goalpostCredit: PA 4The post was knocked out of place by Vale's Connor Hall as he defended a free-kickCredit: Getty Port Vale’s Connor Hall managed to bend the metal frame out of shape in a heavy collision as he defended a Salford free-kick. And incredible pictures showed one side of the goal bent back on itself. Groundstaff rushed frantically to get the post back into shape. Salford City vs Port Vale Prediction, Odds & Betting Tips | 13. 12. 2022Salford City Dec 13, 19:30 Port Vale Competition: Football League Trophy Date: 13th December 2022 Kickoff: 19:30 UK / 20:30 CET Venue: Brunton Park Salford City will be looking to extend their two-game winning streak when they host Port Vale at Brunton Park on Tuesday night. Port Vale come into the game on the back of a 1-0 defeat to Bristol Rovers, which saw their three-match winning streak in all competitions come to an end. As far as the Football League Trophy is concerned, Salford City have been very lucky as they won two of their last three games on penalties after drawing in regulation time. Salford City - Port Vale 20.12.2022 - today livescore And incredible pictures showed one side of the goal bent back on itself. Groundstaff rushed frantically to get the post back into shape. But they were eventually forced to call upon a tractor to save the day. A rope was attached to one end of the machine, with the other wrapped around the goal post. And after a brief struggle, the tractor managed to get the goal mouth back in perfect shape. 4The game was delayed for 10 minutes as the machine worked its magicCredit: Getty 4The game was allowed to continue after a thorough inspection, with Salford winning 1-0Credit: PA FREE BETS: GET OVER £2, 000 IN NEW CUSTOMER DEALS Fans cheered as the match got back underway, with some lengthy stoppage time to make up for the break in play. But Vale’s efforts were soon forgotten in the second half when Tom Elliott fired Salford ahead in the 50th minute. And despite their best efforts, the hosts were unable to find an equaliser as the game ended 1-0. But they were eventually forced to call upon a tractor to save the day. A rope was attached to one end of the machine, with the other wrapped around the goal post. And after a brief struggle, the tractor managed to get the goal mouth back in perfect shape. 4The game was delayed for 10 minutes as the machine worked its magicCredit: Getty 4The game was allowed to continue after a thorough inspection, with Salford winning 1-0Credit: PA FREE BETS: GET OVER £2, 000 IN NEW CUSTOMER DEALS Fans cheered as the match got back underway, with some lengthy stoppage time to make up for the break in play. Salford City vs Port Vale Live Stream & Results today 13/12/2022 19:30 FootballSalford City vs Port Vale live streaming13 December 2022 the long-awaited match of Salford City vs Port Vale will take place. The live broadcast of the match is scheduled for 19:30. It is most convenient to watch the clarification of the relations of the presented teams on the air, and, of course, we have tried to do everything to provide you with such an opportunity. To watch the game, you just need to register online, and it's worth emphasizing right away that the broadcast is provided for free. Will Forrester was in action for the first time since his recovery from injury and it would be no surprise to see him in the starting eleven on Tuesday. Last matches of Port Vale Bristol Rovers League One 02 dec 22 Plymouth Argyle 0: 2 23 nov 22 Charlton Athletic 12 nov 22 Oxford United 4: 0 Port Vale lineup Jack Stevens 5 Connor Hall Dan Jones Nathan Smith 11 Mal Benning T. Conlon 8 B. Garrity D. Port Vale on TV | Port Vale Fixtures on TVDISCLAIMER: WherestheMatch. com holds no responsibility for any match information that is incorrect. Whilst we do our very best to make sure our Live Football on TV Schedules are accurate, users should always check with the official broadcaster for confirmation of the upcoming live match. An interesting feature of their recent games is the fact that at least one side has always failed to score, with this being the case in nine of their last ten games. Port Vale, on the other hand, can be confident not only that they have won all their last four matches in this competition without extra time, but also that they have kept a clean sheet three times. Port Vale vs Salford held up as TRACTOR needed to fix goal after nasty collisionTOR BLIMEY Published: 22:55, 18 Jan 2022Updated: 0:40, 19 Jan 2022PORT VALE’S clash with Salford was suspended to allow a TRACTOR onto the pitch to fix a broken goalpost. Tuesday’s League Two clash at Vale Park was stopped for ten minutes after a player collided with the post. 4Port Vale's match with Salford saw a tractor enter the pitch to fix a goalpostCredit: PA 4The post was knocked out of place by Vale's Connor Hall as he defended a free-kickCredit: Getty Port Vale’s Connor Hall managed to bend the metal frame out of shape in a heavy collision as he defended a Salford free-kick. Salford City FC - Live Soccer TV Since the departure of Brandon Thomas-Asante to West Bromwich Albion at the end of August, the hosts have relied on Ryan Watson and Callum Hendry to score goals. The pair lead the Ammies' scoring charts with four goals apiece, while Tom King has kept a clean sheet twice in the last two games. Last matches of Salford City 10 dec 22 0: 0 Walsall 03 dec 22 Gillingham 0: 3 22 nov 22 Bradford City EFL Trophy 19 nov 22 1: 4 Carlisle United 16 nov 22 Peterborough United FA Cup Salford City lineup Goalkeeper 1 Tom King Defenders 3 Ibou Touray 25 Richard Nartey 42 Theo Vassell 21 Luke Bolton Midfielders 6 Elliot Watt 9 Callum Hendry 7 Ryan Watson Forwards 10 Odin Bailey 17 Matt Smith 19 Lorent Tolaj Port Vale Team News As for Port Vale, they will have to do without goalscorer Ellis Harrison and midfielder Funso Ojo, who will miss Tuesday's game against Salford City through injury. Head coach Darrell Clarke has fielded the same starting eleven in the last two games, but the 44-year-old is bound to make some changes after the last defeat. Port Vale vs Salford held up as TRACTOR needed to fix goal after nasty collisionTOR BLIMEY Published: 22:55, 18 Jan 2022Updated: 0:40, 19 Jan 2022PORT VALE’S clash with Salford was suspended to allow a TRACTOR onto the pitch to fix a broken goalpost. Tuesday’s League Two clash at Vale Park was stopped for ten minutes after a player collided with the post. 4Port Vale's match with Salford saw a tractor enter the pitch to fix a goalpostCredit: PA 4The post was knocked out of place by Vale's Connor Hall as he defended a free-kickCredit: Getty Port Vale’s Connor Hall managed to bend the metal frame out of shape in a heavy collision as he defended a Salford free-kick. Port Vale - Salford City Live - League Two - Eurosport Salford City vs Port Vale Live Stream & Results 13/12/2022 19 Salford City FC (@SalfordCityFC) / Twitter Port Vale vs Salford held up as TRACTOR needed to fix goal after nasty collisionTOR BLIMEY Published: 22:55, 18 Jan 2022Updated: 0:40, 19 Jan 2022PORT VALE’S clash with Salford was suspended to allow a TRACTOR onto the pitch to fix a broken goalpost. Tuesday’s League Two clash at Vale Park was stopped for ten minutes after a player collided with the post. Port Vale's Trophy game at Salford is postponed until next week Form and head to head stats Salford City vs Port Vale

Deanne Harris

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